James Wang's Fundraiser

Build homes for orphanages in Romania
We, as volunteers with engineering and construction backgrounds from across the globe, will donate our time and use our ingenuity on the spot to build these homes!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
BUILDING HUMANITY has built homes, playgrounds, bakery, store, greenhouse and other facilities for school children and disadvantaged families in Peru, Thailand, Romania and more.
This October we will go back to Romania and build homes for young adults who grow up as orphanages and thus can't afford a home when they leave their folster family.
We will work together with Felix Family Village that dedicates in giving families to orphanages and the abandoned children.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for BUILDING HUMANITY.
You can find more information of Building Humanity at www.buildinghumanity.org. More information about Felix Family Village can be found on its website: http://caminulfelix.org
Each donation from you tremendously matters to an orphanage and a young adult to start his/her independent life!